Does Length of Page Impact SEO?

The question of content length is a prominent one when it comes to optimizing a website for SEO. For me, I lean towards the side of keeping the pages short and sweet (with a minimum 600-700 word count for pages). If you think about it if a page goes on for too long, even if the content is really good, people will start to skim and skip around. People simply want to know they are either in the right place or find the content they were looking for, nothing more and nothing less.

If a content, service, or blog page has enough content where you think you could easily go over 1000 words, I’d recommend breaking it up aesthetically so that it is very easy to read and visually appealing (you’re welcome all website designers out there), or making it a multi-blog series so that each post has a very specific topic that falls under the bigger topic overall being covered.

Individual browsing an article on their tablet.

The name of the SEO game is ranking as close to, if not, number 1 overall as much as possible. Why not make as much content and pages as possible for a specific topic so that Google, and all other search engines, see that your website has a ton of content surrounding the topic at hand? The two things that all SEO experts would appreciate are the ability to capture an organic search audience as well as keep people on your site as much as possible. Linking pages together that share content ideas is a major advantage if you can capitalize on it.

So when deciding on if you should make a page or not on your website, the following points are some of the more important things to consider so you don’t double up on work, or waste your time as you get to the end and realize you need to change the layout:

Priorities For New Page(s):

  1. Topic that fits your goal

  2. Enough content to write about the topic

  3. Will there be multiple pages/blogs about this topic?

The caveat around this topic is all of these points shouldn’t stop you from producing and publishing content for your website. The best thing you can do is start producing and publishing content around topics that you find interesting, benefit your service, or service your audience. Don’t let the word counts, layout, or image selections hold you up. Any content is better than no content. Publishing content at all will show Google that you are aiming to capture a specific audience. If you continue to regularly produce and publish content around the same topic, or expand pages that are on your site, Google will continue to crawl your website (more frequently over time) and continue to give your website a chance to capture that audience until it has determined if your content is what prospective searchers are looking for. If the audience presented with your website (regardless of page content length) don’t bounce, Google will continue to feed your content and raise you up the ranks.

Individual writing content

So if you are looking to create a page on your website, remember the three things to consider:

  1. Topic that fits your goal

  2. Enough content to write about the topic

  3. Will there be multiple pages/blogs about this topic?

And when it comes to having a 600-word count, it is better to start with something than waiting for the “perfect” amount of content. We are all out here aiming to be successful with our businesses. If you are looking for some assistance, it is best to find an SEO specialist that can help give your website optimization or confirmation on the direction. Be sure to reach out if you have questions!


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